Washington · April 2017
Hike Summary
5.4 miles out and back
Total Elevation Gain: 
1,350 ft
Starting Elevation: 
1,162 ft
Highest Point: 
2,450 ft
Hike Time: 
3 - 4 hrs
Easy to Moderate
Year Round
Allowed on Leash
Pass Required: 
Lake Twenty-Two is a hike you can do year-round. Located a little more than an hour from Seattle, off the Mountain Loop Highway, the lake sits at a lower elevation than other parts of the Cascades. It is my opinion that the scenery here is most picturesque in the snow, so this hike is a favorite of mine in the early spring months. In the winter, you might need some microspikes or other traction devices. A pathway circles the lake, but parts of the loop are avalanche-prone, so it is recommended you stay away from far side of the lake in the winter.
In the summer, the snow-melt opens up the far side of the lake. Dogs are allowed on this hike, and I have seen some swim in the lake in the late summer months.
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
First views across the Mountain Loop Highway
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
Lake Twenty-Two
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
Lake Twenty-Two Hike
Lake Twenty-Two is located off the Mountain Loop Highway in Washington. Drive 2 miles east of the Verlot Ranger Station and turn south into the parking area. There is an outhouse available here.
Lake Twenty-Two: 48.06690, -121.76220
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