California · April 2016
Hike Summary
4 - 5 miles loop
Total Elevation Gain:
670 - 770 ft
Starting Elevation:
8,300 ft
Highest Point:
8,966 ft
Hike Time:
3 to 4 hrs
Snowshoe Season:
December - April
Allowed on Leash
Lake Mary and Twin Lakes are located in the lower Mammoth Lakes Basin, just south of the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area.
In the winter, the snow-covered roads leading to the basin are closed to car traffic, and they become pathways for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, or deeper exploration into the John Muir and Ansel Adams Wilderness areas.
Starting at the winter road closure near the south end of Old Mammoth Road, follow the road as it ascends steeply southwest.
You will quickly pop out of the lower woods and continue along the road between Panorama Dome on your right and Bloody Mountain to your left.

Bloody Mountain
Turn left at the junction with Lake Mary Road, staying on the left to avoid the cross-country skiers.
Half a mile from the junction, the road starts to curve right, and a quarter of a mile further, an opening for Lake Mary appears to your left.
You can continue further up the road to reach Pokonobe Marina at the north end of Lake Mary or even further along to reach Lake Mamie, Horseshoe Lake, and beyond.

Crystal Crag across Lake Mary

If you're heading to Tamarack Lodge, return back down the road towards the Lake Mary Road and Old Mammoth Road junction.

Continue past the junction and you will eventually see some cabins to your left, which are part of the Tamarack Lodge complex.
Head left down the hill or continue straight for a gentler descent.
Twin Lakes is in front of Tamarack Lodge.

Twin Lakes
The Mammoth Lakes Basin is south of Mammoth Mountain, and in the winter it is accessible by foot from the road closures on either Lake Mary Road or Old Mammoth Road. This hike starts at the closure on Old Mammoth Road near Le Verne St.
Trailhead: 37.622315, -118.992625
Lake Mary: 37.605819, -119.002268
Tamarack Lodge: 37.619077, -119.006963
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